Fun Run Tips

Fun Run Tips for Everyone’s Enjoyment

Our goal is to have an enjoyable day driving our Miatas. Everyone’s fun will be enhanced by following these simple guidelines.


  • Arrive at the starting point 15 minutes before the drivers meeting time, with a full tank of gas and empty bladder.
  • If you are going to meet the group en route or leave the group before the end, tell us.
  • When parking in a business parking lot, use the back areas of the lot so their paying customers have places to park.

Safety First:

  • Keep in mind that the Number One Priority is to DRIVE SAFELY!
  • The run leader will STOP at YELLOW Lights to be safe and to keep the group together.
  • Stay within the posted speed limit.
  • If traffic is going slower than the speed limit stay with the traffic flow.
  • Do not tailgate. Things happen sometimes that require quick stops.
  • Do not pass on double yellow lines or on curves. Pass only when legal and safe. (Stay between the mustard and the mayonnaise)
  • Use your turn signals so people behind know what’s happening.
  • When stopping at a queue point or corner, make sure you pull completely off the road.
  • When returning back into traffic from a queue up, everyone should drive diagonally out into the lane at the same time like a La Mans race start. This will get the group moving quicker and is safer.

  • When Pulling into a Rest or Lunch Stop drive as far into the parking lot as possible BEFORE selecting a Parking Space and Parking. This enables the entire group to get off the street quickly.
  • The lead Miata will establish the pace for the group. Do not drive faster than your comfort level. Positions at the rear are best for you if you wish to go slower. If you find yourself falling behind the car ahead, take up a position toward the rear of the line at the next queue up point. Don’t drive unsafely to keep up.

On the Road:

  • ONLY Navigators should READ run directions while your vehicle is moving. The driver should ONLY READ if the vehicle is SAFELY STOPPED.
  • If you lose visual contact with the car behind you, wait at the next turn (“Bread Crumb” the change in direction). When you are sure the car behind is able to see your Miata, you may then continue. This ensures that no one gets lost or falls too far behind. This is hard to remember but is an important rule that keeps a Fun Run fun!
  • Use common sense, be courteous and obey the law.
  • When we are making a turn and there are two turn lanes, or when we are driving straight on a road that has two lanes, use both lanes – “DOUBLE UP”.
  • Our line of cars should not dominate the road. If others are trying to pass us, let them. If a member of our group wants to pass you, let them.
  • Solo drivers (without passengers to help navigate) buddy up and follow a car with two persons aboard. Two-way radios users can and will help maintain communications up and down the line.
  • If you want the group to stop (and do not have a two-way radio), flash your lights. If the car behind you flashes its lights, flash yours or use the radio to communicate what’s happening until the leader pulls over.
  • If you need to pull over, turn on your flashers and pull off the road. The sweep car will stop behind you.
  • If you pass the leader of the group, or if you pull over and wave the sweep car past, you have effectively left the group and are on your own.
  • If you are not feeling up to par, tell the leader. We will find someone to drive for you, no questions asked.
  • If we lose contact with the Sweep, we will pull over and wait. If 5 minutes pass without contacting the Sweep, we will continue to wait and send a car back to contact the Sweep. We will wait until that car returns BEFORE proceeding with the drive.