About Us
Great Cars!
Great Times!
Who We Are
The San Diego Miata Club (SDMC) was founded in 1996 to promote the enjoyment of, and enthusiasm for, one of the world’s most exciting sports cars: the Mazda MX-5 Miata. Although originally established for residents of San Diego County, SDMC welcomes everyone with an appreciation for the Miata. SDMC is a nonprofit California mutual benefit corporation.
What We Do
Our members enjoy twisty roads anywhere they can find them, and use any excuse to drive them again and again. Scheduled driving events (“fun runs”) are usually held at least once every month. Eating is another favorite of the club, so fun runs often include stops for a meal or two. The club meets at the Hamburger Factory in Poway every month to conduct club business, socialize with other members, and have fun. Other events include tech days, car shows, parades, and social events.
A History of the Years
Elected Officers
The SDMC Board is elected during the club’s Annual Meeting held in November of every year. The Board positions are defined by the SDMC Bylaws. Traditionally board members do not hold positions for more then two consecutive years.
Our current officers can be found on the Contacts page.
Appointed Volunteers
The elected Board appoints volunteers to oversee and coordinate the many different features available to club members. Appointed positions are held as long as the volunteers desire. The current positions are:
Membership: New & annual renewals Regalia: Club merchandise Events: Coordinates club runs Car Council Liaison: Coordinates events with other clubs |
Newsletter Editor: Oversees the monthly newsletter Webmaster: Runs the website Postmaster: Runs the Email service |