Join the San Diego Miata Club

The San Diego Miata Club was originally established for residents of San Diego County, but SDMC welcomes everyone with an appreciation for the Mazda MX-5 Miata. We enjoy the camaraderie of members from all over world!

Benefits of joining:

  • Monthly membership meetings
  • Annual meeting at the San Diego Automotive Museum
  • Exciting driving events
  • Friendly social events
  • Parades
  • Car shows
  • Vendor discounts including Mazda dealerships
  • Twists & Turns, the club’s newsletter
  • Special events
  • Knowledge and experience of hundreds of local Miata owners
  • Fun, fun, and more fun!

Memberships are annual and run from January 1 to December 31 every year. Two people can join as a single membership. Annual memberships cost $35 if joining from January to June, or $20 if joining from July to December. Renewal payments of $35 are due by January 1 each year.

How to join:

    1. Download a membership application and mail it to the club’s address. You can also join the club during a general membership meeting.
    2. Complete the application and sign the release statement. Two people can join as a single membership; both must sign the release statement.
    3. Include a check or money order made out to “San Diego Miata Club” for $35 if joining between January 1 and June 30, or $20 if joining between July 1 and December 31.
    4. Mail the membership application and payment to:

San Diego Miata Club
P.O. Box 180456
Coronado, CA 92178-0456

Payment may also be made via VENMO using San Diego Miata Club David-Hunt-612

  1. You will receive a membership card in the mail. You may also arrange to pick up your membership card at a membership meeting by contacting Membership in advance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send an e-mail to membership.

More information: