Planning a Fun Run
Things to consider when designing a run:
- Select your favorite roads and/or destination.
- Select a convenient meeting place with ample parking, easy access in and out, and restrooms.
- If needed; depending on the time of the run, look for restaurants that can accommodate a large group.
- It’s a good idea to talk to the manager to let them know what you have in mind and when… maybe they can work out a special deal for the group.
- Look for safe places to “queue up” in case the group gets split up by lights or traffic.
- Get a volunteer to be the Sweep for the run
- Have we mentioned the importance of restrooms?
- Coordinate a date with the Events Coordinator. Send the Coordinator a brief description of the run with the following information. The Coordinator will then post your event on the club’s Events Calendar.
- Date of Event
- Time of Drivers meeting
- Starting Location
- Name of Sweep
- Route instructions (high-level or detailed, whatever you have) Google Maps link is very useful for this.
- At least every 90 minutes there should be a Comfort or Eating stops
- Prepare directions (use large font for easier reading). The Events Coordinator can prepare these for you if you provide a Google Map link of the route (or a very good description of the route).
Prior to run date:
- Make contact with the restaurant or others that may need to prepare for our arrival.
- Invite your Sweep to do a “pre-run” a week ahead of time with the following things in mind:
- Check for road conditions that might affect the run
- Validate the mileage on the run directions
Day of the run:
- Print out the Release Form for people to sign. (free Adobe Reader software)
- Arrive at the starting location prior to the posted “Meet” time so others will know exactly where to park.
- Hold a Drivers meeting 15 minutes prior to departure. Cover the following:
- Overview of the route beginning with how we’ll exit the parking lot. Mention anything you think people should watch out for. Desribe what the stops will be (comfort or eating).
- Explain bread-crumbing
- Talk about driving speed. Nobody should drive faster than they are comfortable with regardless of the speed of the car in front or behind them.
- Explain why they should NOT cross over the Yellow or White lines (Mustard & Mayonnaise) “We look far and wide for twisty roads, don’t try to straighten them out”
- Have fun and be safe!!!
A few other suggestions:
- It’s helpful if you take along someone to help you make notes on your “pre-run” so you can write up directions, mileage odometer readings, and road signs to follow.
- For Miata’s sake, avoid dirt roads!
- Consider combining the run with an activity like a wine tour, museum, etc.
- Those that have already sponsored a run are good resources for tips and, of course, the event coordinator can assist you if you need any help.
As a special “thank you,” first-time Fun Run leaders are given a set of eight-inch magnetics of the club logo with the Miata in their car color. This is the only way to earn magnetics.